Amanda Petrozzini

Bio: Amanda Petrozzini is a self-taught artist who creates mixed media hand-cut collages and photographs. Her art is inspired by nature and textiles. She currently lives in Portland, Maine. Using art as a creative tool for healing and resilience is the primary focus of her work. She mostly works intuitively without much planning ahead and rarely knows what the final result of her artwork will be until it is complete.

Statement: I view art making as an essential tool for well-being. After years of working in the arts and taking care of my two kids, I began making mixed media collages in 2020 as a way to stay grounded. It has opened so many doors for me, and it is my goal to help others feel inspired to make art without judgment and to embrace the flow of creativity.

I have always been drawn to collage due to its accessibility and ability to help me reset and work through ideas, I love the quiet that surrounds me when I am cutting, arranging, and playing with various colors and paper textures.

I also view recycling objects as an important goal of making art in a world that discards so much. Collage allows for the creative reuse of objects. Searching for materials in thrift stores, antique shops, or just around my home has added an extra layer of challenge and fun to making art. A receipt, old ticket stub, or pages from books that have been collecting dust all become materials for my collages. It’s a way of looking at all things as creative objects, and it encourages me to be resourceful.

Other Places to Find Amanda:
I have worked in the arts in various capacities for several years. I recently helped launch the Double House Arts Collective - a studio arts program for artists with and without disabilities to build community and inclusive creative opportunities. You can also find me here: at owlcatcollage on Instagram and at theuncommoncanvas on Instagram - where I share the work of underrepresented artists and non-mainstream art history."

Art Collaborations:
I love collaborations, sending artist trading cards, and paper/mail art swaps! Collage provides so many opportunities to connect with other artists and share resources! Email me if interested in collaborating. Here are a couple of recent things I have participated in:

- Round Table Postal Collage Exhibition through Berkeley Commonplace, 2023
- Collage Lab Round Robin, 2022
- Studio iHanna DIY Postcard Swap"

Certifications, Classes & Continuing Education:
Trauma-Informed Expressive Arts Therapy, Level 1 & 2 through Trauma-Informed Practices and Expressive Arts Therapy Institute with Cathy Malchioldi
-Expressive Arts Therapy, EMDR, and Sensory Integration: Resourcing, Orienting, and Grounding
- First Aid Arts training in progress
- Releasing Stress & Trauma Through Listening to Your Body (6 week course through HLN)
- Collage for Self Discovery through Shelly Klammer

Think Global, Glue Local

@owlcatcollage | |

Elyse Jokinen

Photographer / Collage Artist

Tre Marsala


Elzbieta Zdunek