Janelle Krone Interview
Janelle Krone, Macey Foronda
Janelle Krone | @janellekrone
Tell Us A Bit About Yourself. Who You Are, Where You're From, And What You Do!
I grew up in Southeast Massachusetts until 2008 when I moved to go to art school in Brooklyn. For a living, I freelance as a scenery artist for television, theater and movies. Outside of that I make my own mixed media / multimedia art. I’ll work in pretty much any medium I can get my hands on or have ideas for, or at least that’s how I’ve been operating up to this point. I keep telling myself I really need to focus on just one or two mediums at a time to make my life a little easier, haha.
What Do You Love Most About What You Do?
My favorite part of the process of making any type of artwork is creating combinations of different colors, textures and patterns. Whether it’s a collage, painting, still life, etc, I love making things, putting them next to other things, and then seeing how those things sit together to make something new.
What Do You Find The Most Challenging?
I find it very challenging to balance working long hours, getting enough sleep, coming up with ideas, planning what I’m going to eat, grocery shopping, cooking, eating, doing laundry, maintaining a relationship, figuring out what supplies I need for a project, buying supplies, paying bills, staying in touch with friends, cleaning, trying to stay organized, dealing with anything even loosely related to healthcare, staying motivated, manually deleting photos to make space on my phone, exercising, doing taxes, constantly filling out paperwork, trying to remember where I wrote down my passwords, responding to emails, living and working in the same space while trying to maintain healthy boundaries around that, photographing all my work, responding to texts 24/7, posting my work on social media, having to hand wash an increasing number of clothes, making a website, figuring out what to do with all this mail…
It all just feels like a lot! That’s just the basics too, I know tons of people have way more on their plates than me. I’m honestly so impressed that anyone is able to get anything done at all.
Tell Me Something Unusual That Makes You Happy.
I’m not sure how unusual it is, but I know not everyone shares this same sentiment: I love riding the subway. A solid hour long commute, not too crowded with my music and no transfers, is my ideal way to start the day. I love drifting in and out of thinking up ideas, and people watching while listening to a good playlist. I find it energizing. As long as I’m not running late—then it’s awful.
Whether it’s a collage, painting, still life, etc., I love making things, putting them next to other things, and then seeing how those things sit together to make something new.
— Janelle Krone, Artist
Anything Weird On Your Bucket List?
I don’t think this is weird, but it’s the only thing I can think of that is truly on my bucket list, which is that I would love to direct some type of music video some day.
Top Three Songs You Keep On Repeat?
Pass That Dutch- Missy Elliot
My Milkshake- Kelis
Closer- Nine Inch Nails
How Do You Fuel For The Day?
I definitely look to music to fuel my work day. While I’m working on a project I like to listen to a lot of dance-y, top 40 hip-hop-y type playlists intended for clubs. I want to feel like I’m having my own party. If I’m not in the mood for that I’ll listen to something heavier in more of a rock-based genre. Nine Inch Nails for example is one of my favorite bands. Whatever it is it has to be loud, it has to have a beat, and it has to be juicy.
Janelle Krone | @janellekrone
Artist | Brooklyn, NY